The Harmony Gym is affiliated with the RE League.  If you're not a member yet, go sign up!

A dirt path...are you lost again?  Well, there's no hurry.  Maybe you can find some interesting Pokemon out here.

You wander down the road, peering into the high grass of the fields on either side.

"Here, Pokemon!" you call.  Sounds stupid, but there's no one around...

You thought.

"Won't catch one that way," someone says.

You turn around to see an old man standing in the field on your left.


There goes your reputation in these parts.

"Pokemon 'round here only come out when they hear music," the man tells you.


Can't you say anything intelligent today?

The main points to a small wooden sign.

Harmony Town
Songs in the air and in our hearts

"Plenty Pokemon in there, if you can carry a tune," the man indicates the field on your right.

Might as well try it.  Enter the field.

You've lost enough dignity today.  Head towards town.